Deploy your lead generating
Deploy your lead generating
agents all across the web
agents all across the web

Never miss out on a potential high-intent lead. Capture signals from your ICPs well before they are ready to buy.

Never miss out on a potential high-intent lead. Capture signals from your ICPs well before they are ready to buy.

Signals you miss

Signals that you get

Deploy your lead generating
agents all across the web

Never miss out on a potential high-intent lead. Capture signals from your ICPs well before they are ready to buy.

Signals you miss

Signals that you get

How It Works?

Our solution


Track all the buzz happening online

Ripple’s AI agents gather intent signals from 3M+ digital touchpoints. Thousands of Listener agents tracking chatter and your ICPs.


Intent Detection Model

Proprietary AI Intent detection model that captures usage of context information, keywords, possible mis-spellings & alternatives for keywords, essence of conversation and overall intent.


Lead Scoring & Feedback Loop

Real time profile augmentation, lead enrichment and lead scoring with feedback loop through the platform.